Tuesday, 30 April 2013

My first Political post-somewhat of an explanation of my beliefs.

Hello again everyone (if anyone is reading) :)

So all I have posted about so far is sports, and I think its about time that I posted about my other passions- Politics. As Stated in my first ever post (http://liamsviews.blogspot.co.nz/2013/03/welcome-my-initial-thoughts.html-for the lazy ones), I am support the right wing, and follow the two right wing political parties in New Zealand- ACT and National.

Now I will outline why I am right wing. Firstly, I believe that people should be self sufficient. People should not rely on the government for support, and should work hard for their own living. A majority of beneficiaries are on the benefit, because they didn't want to work hard in school or don't want to work hard now. Why should I work hard in school, only to have to pay for people to be supported in the future. Although yes, I believe that the benefit can give people a helping hand, I really think that the government should institute some sort of "edging system", to make the benefit be what it was supposed to be- a helping hand. In this edging system, you would be paid the full benefit for the first six months, but after that, month by month, it would be slowly reduced. This would encourage people to get off the benefit and look for work.

And then, with the money left over, we could put that money into education or healthcare. That being said, I believe that the sickness benefit is still needed, and should definitely not have an edging system. We need to support the most vulnerable people in society.

Although, I do believe that we need to support kids and the elderly more in society. The pension should be way more than the benefit for the fact that seniors have paid taxes all their life, and are therefore owed it by the government. The most frail people in society should not be starving because the money is being given to people who don't need to be on the benefit. Although, kiwi-saver should solve this problem altogether really. Also, kids should be supported a lot more. While I do believe that parents should take responsibility for their kids, the children do not pick which family they are born into, and there are always going to be bad parents. Therefore we should provide breakfasts etc, so that these children can have productive lives.

Now that I have outlined my thoughts generally, I think I'm going to talk about asset sales.

I am a staunch supporter of asset sales. This is due to a few reasons. Firstly, IT IS ONLY 49%- did the country magically manage to lose its ability to do maths over the night?????/ Seriously, no fat cat corporations are going to be taking over New Zealand with only 49% of a company. 49% is not a majority- I cannot stress that enough.

Secondly, has anyone ever seen a mighty river power hydro station. They are old, mouldy and need to be replaced. I genuinely believe that we are selling off these assets to build new ones. The reason the government isnt telling us this is because they don't want to devalue the shares they are trying to sell.

Finally, National has just as much right to sell our assets as Labour did after Muldoon was in power.

Well that's it for my first political post, I hope you all enjoyed or at least found this post interesting. If you have some gripes, drop a comment :)

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