So, here in New Zealand, a lot of controversy has been raised by the implementation of the GCSB bill, which basically allows our government spying agency, the GCSB or Government Communications Security bureau to have more of an ability to spy on us, often without permission.

Now, I have absolutely no problem with this, and this is due to a few reasons. Firstly, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. Seriously, regardless of what the GCSB does actually spy on me for (which I will delve into later in this article), I couldn't care less. That's because I have done nothing illegal. So therefore, when i hear people complaining about the bill, I often think that they must have been doing something illegal, and often dismiss them. Probably not the greatest strategy, but seriously, there should be nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide.

Secondly, many people seem to think that the government wants to know what you are having for lunch, and other personal information. To put it simply, people think that the government simply want to have this bill so they can spy on us for no reason, and for completely irrelevant data. Now I actually like the bill, because the government is able to spy on anything we do, which means that they can stop a large amount of crime, but I also don't buy into the idea that the government wants to know what you are having for lunch. People need to stop perpetuating the idea that the government wants to spy on personal details, all they want to do is spy on you so they can stop crime, there is nothing more to it then that, and therefore I support the bill.
There is also the argument that this bill will start us on the 'slippery slope' or privacy infringements. And again, I don't buy into this argument. Our government is not that of Nazi Germany's, nor that of Zimbabwe, therefore I think this is just one step, and the only step of possible infringement of privacy that will ever happen, because we rely on a democratic process which would never allow further steps to be made.

Finally, I think the GCSB bill simply clears up a legislation on the powers of the organisation, and allows the GCSB to use its full powers to keep New Zealand a safe and peaceful country.
Well, that's it for me this article, keep reading and have a great day!
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