Firstly, before I get into this topic, I would like to clarify. I have enormous sympathy for those who have had their life changed by head injuries, and wouldn't risk it on my worse enemies. I hope that some sort of cure is developed, and the occurrence of the issues can be reduced in all forms of sport.
That being said, I do believe that sports should not be banned due to the occurrence of head injuries (within reason of course). While again, I acknowledge that the injuries are horrific, and life changing, the frequency of them does not justify the complete upheaval of a sport. When players sign up to play any contact sport, they acknowledge the risk, and therefore take into account that they may get injured.

While I think the danger of head knocks needs to be reduced and this is occurring in modern day sport, I do overall believe that players take the risk, and therefore must be able to accept the consequences.
Well that's article, I hope you guys enjoyed it, have learnt a bit of my opinion, and most have all have realised the danger associated with playing full contact sport.
Have a great day, and keep reading!
Have any ex-NFL players successfully sued the NFL, or have they just attempted to? Surely they would have to sign contracts that acknowledge the risk and relieve the NFL of any liability.
ReplyDeleteCurrently I believe there are 2000 ex players suing the NFL. I am pretty sure there were no clauses in their contract saying that they were OK for taking a risk, but even if there was, I would suggest that they are suing because they believe that the NFL completely ignored their safety.