He has to be the most under performing player I have ever seen, and quite possibly, the most boring.
All he does is pass, and maybe I'm just used to Cam Newton and RG3, but I hate quarterbacks that cannot run. Be it Peyton or Romo, or even Brady, I cannot stand them.
But that's not even the worst of it. I'd be fine if he just passed, and actually won games, like Peyton and Brady, but he doesn't do that either. He chokes in big game situations, and seems to never be able to win anything. I think I would rate him as quite possibly one of my personal worst quarterbacks in the league. I would rate Phillip rivers above him and that's saying something.
Romo just cant seem to perform when it comes to crunch time. Maybe the Cowboys fans saw something in him when he won the first game of the season in 2012, but I seriously cant.
He crumples under pressure, and worse, goes on to take no part of the blame.
But, I guess that's just how the Dallas Cowboys work, hey Romo, want some money??? Here, have 108 million of it.
Its actually sad that this deal has been allowed to pass, because in effect it makes the NFL look terrible. This is because it basically says to the world HEY WE ARE AMERICANS, WATCH US THROW MONEY AT TERRIBLE PLAYERS. This basically makes the NFL look like a nothing league, that just has a ridiculous amount of money from advertising endorsements.
Even Donovan McNabb agrees with me! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000155570/article/donovan-mcnabb-on-tony-romos-contract-wow
Yes, Romo has cashed in on his 1-3 playoff record indeed.
The Cowboys would be better off with stumpy hands Kwame Brown than Tony Romo, because at least it would be entertaining.
Oh well, that's about it for my rant on Tony Romo.
Moving on to Allen Iverson......
I think its going to be fascinating what Allen Iverson decides to do with himself in the future from now on, because he actually has a lot of options.
Firstly, or what I want to happen, would be for him to come to the NBL. The NBL really needs to set itself up as a real graveyard for NBA players, although it sounds bad, it would pump a lot of money into the competition. Who wouldn't want to see a 40 year old Kobe and Iverson go one on one?, it would be awesome!!!!
Iverson could come to the NBL, get a decent sized contract deal, and just absolutely rake it in with marketing. Seriously, he is the type of player to be able to do that. He would sell tickets.
Also, I like Iverson, and would pay money to see him, so what the hell, throw money at him and get him to come to Australasia.

Or, and this is the hardest option, he could attempt to make a comeback in the NBA. He is 37, so he is moving on, but he probably has another two years in him. If Kevin Garnett is doing well at 36, so can Iverson. He did recently reject a D league offer from the Mavericks, which sort of shows the apprehension teams have with taking him on though. I think his biggest problem would probably be speed, as it was once one of his best weapons, and he has most likely lost a lot of it now.
This option would be incredibly hard though, and would take a lot out of him.
He would have to work super hard to have even a chance of getting into an NBA team and would have to work even harder to ensure that he wont get injured, and would be able to, in some cases be playing games two nights in a row.
The final option for Iverson, is probably the best for him, but the worst for fans everywhere except Europe. Of course, this option would be playing in one of the Euro leagues. It is probably the best for him, because he will be able to make a lot of money off it, but it would be very boring for everyone else, so lets hope he does not pick that option.
Anyway, that's it on Iverson as well, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post :)
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